Tuckermans 4/12/14

I know it’s Tuckerman
tried to edit the title
Tuckerman Ravine 4/12/14
Weather 27f Sunny
Arrived early to get a parking space 6:30 am ,ate an expensive breakfast at the Pinkham center. Started skinning about 7:30
got to Hermit lake (Hojo’s ) around 9:30 ,spent some time taking in the views and atmosphere.put my skis on my pack ..did’nt fill up my water after feeling a little thirsty ,fiqured i fill up later…..Big Mistake!
Got to the bowl before the crowds and looked at the left gully ,Hillmans had gates for the race.
Hiked up a rather spaced out booter..guys who started it must have beeen 6’ft. as I climbed I noticed a girl in a Blue jacket near the cornice at the top. Every time I looked up she was still in the same spot.
As I got to the top I noticed a guy talking with her attempting to inspire some confidence, she was petrified and could’nt move. A small log jam started behind me , I noticed the top above me looked rather glazed. went another 50′ and could no longer kick in. Thats when my leg cramped up and I could’nt move for 5 min’s.
Some guy below had crampons and went to my right and crested the cornice. Then the sand blasting started.
As my legs returned and I followed his steps I found the wind was 50-gusting to 60 above the gully.
I was planning on the left gully but the drop in was not to my liking so I headed for the Chute, My legs locked up again up high and had to spend more time waiting in the wind. I dropped in a little too early and found I was headed into a narrowning gully to a cliff. Slammed on the brakes
Stopped and traversed to find a godsend, A tabletop boulder I could sit on to recharge after taking some video and feeling better decided to drop in, had some really nice turns and feeling cocky tword the runout decided to hit a ridge for some air.
legs locked again and I spun out.
looking back up the gully i headed down first had a escape down lower , 30 yrs ago would have done it.
stopped for some more video of the crowd,
Recharged and had a good run down through little headwall , stopped and cramped up Quads and up into tricepts.
Thought I was dying for a minnute, more water and some food and 20mins. started down sherbie, no problem the rest of the way to the parking lot. 1:30 More water, Beer and a nap on the tailgate.
Could have had another run up high if I would have taken care of some basic needs.Duh!
Still a 10 for the day>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qADx…mT7Mu31WL8nJmg